🥛Milk Token - $MILK

Milk Token is the token with the following use cases:

  • Rewarding CashCow Staking Pools Users

  • Minting NFTs

  • In-Game Currency

$MILK tokenomics are totally different compared to CashCow Token. As CashCow are able to produce infinite milk, $MILK will have infinite supply, but will have a burning mechanism in which part of all $MILK used on the NFT Marketplace will be burned.

Emission Rate will start at 90 MilkPerBlock at the beginning of the Staking DApp launch and will be reduced to half (45 MilkPerBlock) after 30 days. Emission rate will stay at 45 MilkPerBlock Allocated to all Pools.

In the future, a Game Pool will be created for minting the MILK that will be produced by Cows NFTs, but this won't impact the emission schedule of Staking Pools.

Milk Token Contract Address: 0xe5bd6c5b1c2df8f499847a545838c09e45f4a262

Last updated